The Smol Archon
A Final Fantasy XIV RP carrd
Sit at the bar, a short veena ponders over a glass of mocktail before noticing a newcomer
“Hi sweety, everything alright? Hope so, I'm reeeeal close being not sober enough for medical emergency... Oh right, it's not alcohol, silly me !”
/sad bnnuy noises/

Biography of a shorty
First name: Byaphine
Last name: Frenecu
Age: 163 years
Race and clan: Viera, veena woman
Nameday: First Umbral Moon, 13th Sun
Birthplace: Dalmasca, Skattay Range
Citizenships: Limsa Lomisa, Sharlayan
Home: Limsa Lomisa
Patron deity: Memphina, the Lover (nameday AND chosen)
Echo affinity: none
Height: 5’6″
Sizes: she pouts, remaining silent
Build: tiny lightweight
Scars: none to be seen when dressed
Notable features: shorty for a bnnuy, her mesmerizing eyes.
Elemental affinity: Water, tenuous
Aether concentration: slightly above average
Aether flow: extremely well developed, with odd signature around her heart.
Orientation: straight – monogamy
Interest: romantic (surprising isn't it?), then physical (a lot)
Relationship status: happily in couple

Archon - speciality in micro-level arcanic geometries and healing magick formulas.
Former researcher for the AEGIS project
Former senior medic of Panacea hospital
Currently independent healer, housewife
Favored weapons: Nouliths arrays, rifles.
Job crystal: sage (inert)
The skies. Can be seen daydreaming gazing on a sunset or star lights.
Cuddling, or its more spiced forms =:]
Strong beverages, with a preference for whiskys.
Overly complicated archeotech wonders
Rifles. Started a small collection
Clean and ordered places. Mandatory for work, appreciated in her burrow (but struggle to do so).
Forms and administration duties as a whole. Don't get her started about taxes.
Any reference to her height. Yes, she has a complex.
Disproportionate use of violence. She's the one on medical duty after all.
Cheaters, the closest to heretics for a Memphina's devotee.
Morning sickness
Eorzean – fluent
Vieran – fluent
Garlean - read and write
Allagan - read and write
Dalmascan - semi-fluent
Alexendrian - currently studying
This small miss couldn't be more afar from the Archon cliché. Merry if not cheeky, she's the spontaneous kind unafraid to engage conversation... When she's not dead tired and dozing off on the counter ! The is title only a tool for her she isn't really bragging about, presenting herself as medic first and foremost.
Yet, engaging her on scholarly topics will soon give away her never-ending appetite for subjects of aetherology, archeotech, weapon systems, history, even perhaps a bit of politics. You're warned, she is rather prone to nerd talks ! Nothing than a drink can smooth, or more daring topics. Being medic for so long really washed away all filters she could have on human anatomy... And the ways to honor the Lover.
Even off duty, many could witness the apparent drastic shift in personality when medical expertise is required. Even if she remains gentle and humane, her seriousness is unwavering. She won't rest until the issue at end is not solved and the soul in her hands safe and sound.
Despite being hard to upset, bothering too much this smol bnnuy can be bold move. Decades-honed barbs is something she developed as an art in the coated world of scholars. When violence erupts, she's also perfectly able to prescribe a rather "calming" treatment... And enjoying it.
[This page is for you dear reader to get an idea of the character's theme. If you want to avoid spoiler, smash back button ! Warning : Meta is a risk of getting a bnnuy bite !]
[waaaay pre-ARR] Early years
The kit to become Byaphine was born in the gentle wooden hills of Skattay's piedmont, in the rather big village of Kisne. Tinier than average and sickly, her mother Griejza hadn't much hope of her survival, nor grow in a desired daughter. Despite her severity, she was still tending to the kit until the coming of age that would see it male and taken to the woods... This anticipation made the kit target to mockeries if not bullying from the other children, making a rather sad bnnuy preferring staying inside the maternal burrow.
To everyone' surprise she turned female, making her mother a bit embarrassed; still frail, by no mean she would do decent huntress. Young Bya was still target to bullying from her "sisters" some almost twice her height... But this rather sombre existence ended by the need from the village's shaman and healer for an apprentice. Already familiar with the weak kit, the venerable veena realized the ever-growing mists accumulation in the young woman.Her frequent fevers and weakness were caused by anomalously strong affinity to aether, Bya's body unable to cope with the energy's abundance in her veins. This threatening condition turned with care and training into a gift, the apprentice soon able to cast potent healing magicks and barriers. The usual limit casters faced was reverted for this astute learner; her well being pertained to massive mists use. Mockeries thawed, and finally the tiny veena could find acceptance in the village. Rekindling with merriness, she decided to keep the smile as much as she could from any further ordeals her hopefully long life would throw at her.
Now well established, the young woman still enjoyed the quiet and solitude of the woods, one of her only consolation during her childhood. Medicinal herbs still not harvesting themselves, often she was scouring on her own, mists as efficient wards against predators. However, a peculiar need drawn her close to the warmer jungle of Golmore. It was home of the Ravaa tribe, not really kind to any trespasser... Luck was on her side though, any other woodwarden aiming at her would've probably cut short her existence.
The rather young male spotting her missed his shot, only to face the rather brutal retaliation of her magicks. Not really into killing, the mender found her aggressor weakened and sick, probably on his last ropes and bound to die in general indifference like many other males. She did what she do best to this day, nursing the cautious woodwarden back to health as her duty commanded. Of few words at first, he still expressed his gratitude before she left...From kindness seeds of friendship were planted.

Peace in the woods
Credits: @gamerjje (X)
The young mender kept well the secret of her encounter, but perhaps she grew even more eager to visit the woods, her newfound contact helping her to find herbs from warmer climes. It is during one of those escapade the turning point in her life happened. A group of hyurs, mostly women and children, encroached the forest in their flee from an armed band. To her utter horror, she witnessed the onslaught of every trespasser from the woodwardens, unwavering to any pleas.
Shaken to the core and revolted by the way of her people, her decision came after few days of haunting nightmares. People suffered out of the woods, powerless and vulnerable as she was before. And so, in the favor of dusk, she packed her meager possessions and walked toward the border. Was it fate or did her tailed her? She never knew. A hand pulled her before she crossed the carved wards, her friend trying to retain her. Yet, he was unable to make her renounce... As he saw her go, he couldn't help the feeling of urge to follow this small woman about to face the wide world. She needed to be protected. This night, two vieras left for good their ancestral homes.
[Still pre-ARR] Our terra firma
The outside world was as stimulating experience as it was destabilizing, but at least they could count on each other. Travelling different nations as wanderers, they survived of small mercenary and hunting from him, then gifts from grateful villagers healed by her. Only upon their arrival in the Shroud they felt the need for a more stable existence, and for a time decided to settle here. With further need to interact with locals, they bestowed a new name to each other; they would be known as Byaphine and Meruun. His archery prowess gave him stable job with the local guild, while she delved into the elementalists' arts to learn new ways of relieving people.
As years passed, they started to notice colleagues and friend were aging, when they still kept both appearance of energy of their youth. For the first time the duo felt the burden of their kin... The death of a former Byaphine's apprentice triggering their need of return to a wandering life.
Their travels and the time in Gridania gradually changed them, the smol veena growing more confident, the silent ravaa more sociable, funny even when he bothered trying. Often mistaken as a couple, they kept seeing each other as inseparable friends... With benefits, their relatively young age for their kin making them curious. It took one more decade and half a continent scoured later to realize how dense they were. By feelings and actions, they were lovers by all means. It is actually Meruun taking the initiative, proposing to her in the eorzean fashion atop the Pharo Sirius. A moved healer became soon after an happy wife.
[pre-ARR again] The recipe of happiness
The couple kept on a semi-nomadic way of life, settling couple years in different parts of the three continents before moving again. As much as a choice to avoid the pain they felt in Gridania, than the unrest touching nations and their people. By both their trades and new ones learn by the years, they didn't had much trouble to cover their humble needs, happy by the simple presence of each other.
Their many encounter and the growing network they had finally brought them an opportunity they could hardly disregard. Sharlayan's Gleaner guild was relentlessly seeking competent explorers to replenish its teams. The financial stability and other advantages, then the certitude to get the means to explore further the Star made them really easy to convince. And so decades flowed, rich in discoveries, thrilling if not dangerous situations, many faces and new horizons. Byaphine expended on her healing talents with surgery and alchemy, but also found herself fascinated by the many devices designed by current and old civilizations. Especially the isghardians machinists and their devastating arsenal... A good way to make up for her small frame, and challenge her husbun in sharpshooting... She never managed to beat.
But one day, a major event reached the couple. Byaphine felt and recognized the signs; despite her precautions, she was expecting... Increasingly attached to the precepts of the eorzean goddess Menphina, she was ready to plea for keeping the child, despite the risks for her weak body. To her relief, Meruun was prompt, if not happy to welcome a new life and build an eorzean family, an idea he pondered for long. A new adventure they would face together with all the changes it would bring, like settling in their own home they could now afford. The mild Upper la Noscea matched their wishes, and an happy mother-to-be rested in their nest while he took on shorter missions to secure more gils.
They lengthily discussed the names and the live they dreamed for their child. Lilly was certain, as he often called her with affection his "Lilly of the valley". Be the kit turn male, its Isghardian equivalent sounded just wonderfully. "Muguet"
[Pre-ARR] Devastation
Months slowly passed, feeling the longest they both lived. Byaphine, closely monitoring the life growing in her now big belly, Meruun increasingly eager to see their firstborn. The smol veena truly had the impression she married a kit... Few weeks before the expected birth, Meruun was called to reinforce a team making some annual survey in Nymian ruins. Hesitant to leave his wife, he however departed has the trip promised to be short and the area considered safe. Two days and he'll be back, hopefully with some rolanberry cheesecake to calm her pregnancy sweet craves...
Two days later at dusk, knocks at their abode made the smol veena rush at the door, eager to welcome her love. But upon opening, she met the shaken face of a Reogardhin, surrounded by his gleaner colleagues. Dread spread like burning poison in her veins... And her world broke at the sight of the shrouded body in the carriage. Her harrowing yell haunted them to their last breath, as much has the unfolding tragedy. Her distress transformed into very physical, excruciating pain. She fell, her belly burning like the Seven Hells. Slipping away from devastating reality, she could only cry and implore the gods to spare the life she felt waning in her womb.
All she held precious was lost this day. Her century-long kindred soul was taken away from a collapsing wall in the ruins, an accident no one managed to anticipate. The shock of his loss triggered the labor too early... Leading to the miscarriage of their firstborn, all that was left of him.

Credits: Scarchou
[Up to few years before ARR] Everything to forget : new life in Sharlayan
Despite the tenets of the Lover, Bya tried to rejoin her beloved in the Sea of Stars. Hopefully prevented to do so in the hospital she was admitted in. Yet she was letting herself withers, under the powerless gaze of the staff looking after her.
With no known relative, and much obligated by contract, the Gleaner guild send some support, but nothing nowhere close enough to even keeping up the will to live. She was an empty husk, thrown in a bottomless pit of despair and guilt for losing her child.
Nothing was apparently able to prevent another life lost to the cruelty of fate, until a strange-looking Raen visited the bedridden veena. Known as Archon Urfel Cyanaile, he was a friend of the couple, draw close to by work and a shared -and strange- longevity. No words could relieve Byaphine for her loss, only time... And a chance to do so.
He brought her back with him in Old Sharlayan, patiently looking after her the time her psyche recover enough to not attempt at her own life. Gradually, he tried to interest her again to the world, but she wasn't able to feel any wanderlust any longer. Instead, to keep her mind busy from the pain and secure her a place on the island, he mentored her to scholar work, and soon pushes her to take on an Archon thesis.
This care and skilful words managed to give her some sort of meaning and purpose; she couldn't prevent the loss of her family, but she still could fight to prevent this pain to others. She dedicated herself tirelessly to medicine research, capitalizing to her already long experience. In an almost natural development of her previous trades and interests, she embraced somanoutics and wield the Sage's attire. The condition of her body were of peculiar interest for the Studium, forcing drastic and often very experimental modifications to the armaments entrusted to her. The veena's work on miniaturized arcana geometries and micro-level healing formulas granted her the coveted title of Archon only five years after her arrival.
This praiseworthy feat meant very little to her, aside ensuring she could still dull her pain by lenghty shifts. At first assigned to the Physis Technon (far before the turn for the worst of this institution), she gained enough recognition to be affected to the post-exodus main medical faciliy, the Panacea. Taking care of patients was the meager confort her daily life could offer...
But nights was still an ordeal, barely calming with the passage of time. More often than not, she couln't keep her tears from flowing, alone in a cold bed. Artificial and making part of her mind plagued by self-loathe, she turned to night life for relief. Be it at first temporarily oblivion with strong beverage, then accepting one-stand company in her apartment. And soon, she learned to wear a mask of teasing and playfulness, growing more intricated by the years. Her appetite earned her a discreet reputation on the island, hopefully outmatched by her devotion for her job and the Lover's tenets...
[ARR to EW] Reaching the skies
Since the exodus, then the 7th Umbral Calamity, it became clear no nation had the strength to ensure the security of its citizen and culture. As a sanctuary of knowledge and far from the ongoing push of the Garlean Empire, Sharlayan yet remained less impacted. Louisoix Leveilleur's plea to intervene on the Star's fate was only meet with a rather general stoicism Byaphine mostly shared, still entrapped in her pain. A source of dissension with Archon Urfel, eager to disappear sometimes whole month on "field trips".
Revelations about Etheirys' history, and the generation-lasting project directing the island policy in anticipation to the Final Days blown winds of changes once more. The insular island vowed more open policies and presence on the international stage, while the reinforced alliance with the moon-dwelling loporrit brought wealth of new research opportunities. With now the Scions of the 7th Dawn "officially" disbanded, voices and concern arose in the Forum to ready the nation to device countermeasures against unforeseen existential threat, or at the very least bolster its defences.
Thus the AEGIS program were born, encompassing various researches capitalizing on strengthen ties with Thavnair, the former empire, the loporrits and of course the wonders delved from the past. Byaphine by her position and skills found herself involved in two main projects.
With her ties to a now married and father of plenty Urfel, she assisted on a vast endeavor to retro-engineer an allagan A.I., with the close support of a very serious loporrit named Mendingway. Both learn to work in tandem, surprisingly completing each other quite well in skills and characters. By the joint efforts of many teams the O.R.I.N. A.I came to be.
Urfel insisted to dedicate one subroutine of this astronomically efficient calculating entity to maintain the formulas stabilizing Bya's aether flow. At long last, she didn't have to drain herself with potent magicks anymore. The surplus rerouted to keep the formulas working, alongside the technomagick and somanoulithics devices in her everyday work. In case of dire need, she can get ride of those limiters, but at her own risks if O.R.I.N. isn't available to restore them...
However, as much as she grew found on teasing her even shorter lopporit colleague Mendingway, the second project gave her something she could only dream of. Wings. An ongoing effort carried by the now reformed Psysis Techron aimed at improving sage's armaments. Due to her overabundant aether density, the seasoned Byaphine was the top candidate to test new prototypes without suffering energy limitations. By embracing some garlean designs and seeking to explore new possibilities, the EIR armament displayed enough output to realize an engineer's phantasm. Individual-propelling system, traducing in what's look aether wings from afar. The overly eager smol sage, discovered the thrill of fending the skies, something she wouldn't relinquish for anything. Other prototypes are also tested, but searcher now struggle to adapt them for less aether-full users and mass production.

Sharlayan's sky fairy
Credits: @gamerjje (X)
[EW] Blessed by the Cur[s]e
When not busy in programming, appointments or chasing the clouds, Byaphine consulted Panacea's request register attributing new patients following each medic's field of expertise. A direct request from an expatriate citizen about a veena suffering acute aether leak caught her attention. Little she could guess this peculiar case would be far more troublesome than getting some Forum's member in her office (which happened fairly often).
It took months to gather the rare materials to complete a cure originating from Sui-no-Sato, any conventional mean unable to save her patient. Weeks spent sleeping in her office, monitoring closely with Mendingway and O.R.I.N. the lady slowly fading away. She even had to resort to extreme measures aka induced coma, pleas from the patient itself to die, mental breakdown from some of her friends... Something able to stretch thin any hardened medic.
Mendatory by miss Ethel's side, she even missed the sad anniversary of her beloved's passing, when she usually visit his grave and their child's. Depressed and tired, she still found enough energy to answer in kind to the teasing jests of a limsian mariner part of the recruited mercenaries. She was the first surprised to actually have a drink with the man, even more to see him the next morning still in her bed.
An irredeemable oaf, but a tender, caring man breaking her intricated mask to reach her bleed dry heart. Through woes they started to tame each other, especially after an attack on her office left her gutted and as good as dead... The unmasking of a rogue Archon and his sympathizers was the last push she needed to follow the signs send by the Lover. After more than half a century, Byaphine left the island, taking a undetermined leave for deserved rest and even more deserved love.
[DT onward] Thunderstruck
Byaphine enjoyed her months of newfound freedom. She found herself quite busy though, engaged with the lomisian administration in a fierce battle. The calamity wiped many things, including sections of the archives. As a result, proof her citizenship was lost, and she needed treasures of patience to see the issue adressed. Only then she was allowed to buy a plot, and build their loveden... With plenty of bottle racks to keep her man happy of course ! Most of her free time went in furnishing, then working on the health "issue" of Runic... And of course a lot of snuggle once him home.This relatively housewifey lifestyle was good enough for her after decades dumped in workalcolism... But the call of adventures once more rang with the Turali traderoute opening. Her beloved quite literally jumped on the first Maelstrom boat sailing west, leaving the smol viera for a time... And soon a wonderful realization.The man was also good for another kind of adventure ! The medic was now sure : she once more nurtured life. Firmly determined to not repeat past's tragedy, she took all disposition within her reach to monitor closely their child development. Yet, news from the west beared for a time worrysome tiding, but also words of technological wonders from a nation called Alexendria.Torn between her sense of precaution and the call of discovery with her beloved, a letter of a uncle tipped the scale. A request to sail in a city of neons instead of gold, when a aether-induced desease claimed many children. Strong with her expertise developed treating miss Ethel, Bya crossed the ocean direction Solution 9.Despite some initial friction due to the cultural gap regarding souls, she rapidely adjusted to the place. Her magiteck prowess helped her grasp the fundamentals of electrope, and work to improve children's condition. Far from a remedy still, but at least some ray of hope for the many worried families. Bya gained in turn precious new tools to further monitor her pregnancy, and lot of tasty mocktails. Few outsiders adapted to Solution 9 as fast as the smolbnnuy, even considering to move there for a time !

A family to be
Credits: Saintrap
RP Hooks
1 - Smol cutie, big liver
One can easily be fooled by her short size and rather cute attire to consider her as a viera teen. A bit less from her very womanly demeanors and the usual glass of whisky (until pregnancy) she has in hands when spotted in bars. Those damn big aquamarine eyes are easy to lose oneself in contempt, she will gently bring to an end with a tease ! Best way to engage conversation with this petite madame without fail is by paying her a drink. Century-old experience makes her apt to withstand surprising quantity of alcohol for her lightweight frame... But now she can only gaze at the bottle racks with envy.

Seasoned drinker
Credits: @gamerjje (X)
2 – Magiteck nerd
From the peculiar tomestone of white case or the surprising artificial voice emanating from it, Byaphine is in her element around terminals and magitek devices. Her curious, scholastic mind will attract her to anyone bearing unusual tech. Be careful though, especially if she has a drink in hand. She's able to stay all night long talking about the latest aetherical supraconductor developed to boost propelling systems, or auracite engraving for node cogitators... Wow, you're still here?
3 – Cheeky medic
Spending so much time to treat wounds and affliction is not without consequences. Despite keeping at core patient's well-being and preoccupations, she can sound quite detached about aesthetic considerations. Given her rather big appetite for skinship, she's prone to really spicy conversations: any kind of coyness long gone in this shorty.
However, she's perfectly able to switch to a more serious and considerate behavior if someone ask her for medical advice.
4 – The burden of knowledge
Being an Archon involved in rather important projects under Forum's supervision gave her access to certain contacts and documents about what's going on around the Star. As such, she can sometime decide to elude certain topics or looks a bit away in serious if not worried thoughts.
When she can help it, she will retain some non-critical information she possess, be it from confidential clauses or simply wishing to spare people the weight of paradigm-shifting knowledge.
5 –
[ For characters tied to Old Sharlayan]
During her time serving as senior medic in Panacea, Byaphine treated a wealth of patients, from the minor affliction to near-desperate surgical intervention. Few are those on the island without a relative visiting at least once her office.
Notwistanding any rumors about her habits, her patients describe her as a very caring and human person, using lightweight jest to ease their worries but also clear and considerate in passing diagnostics. She is also the kind of taking time to lend a ear to personal woes during her appointments, a quality coming by rare in an institution this big.
With an accumulated experience on mending arts going above a century and half, no surprise she was entrusted with an inert sage crystal to pass on her knowledge to future generations.
Notwistanding any rumors about her habits, her patients describe her as a very caring and human person, using lightweight jest to ease their worries but also clear and considerate in passing diagnostics. She is also the kind of taking time to lend a ear to personal woes during her appointments, a quality coming by rare in an institution this big.
With an accumulated experience on mending arts going above a century and half, no surprise she was entrusted with an inert sage crystal to pass on her knowledge to future generations.
6 –
[For characters related to Old sharlayan intelligentsia]
Her involvement in the political turmoil following the actions of Archon O'myniad and his supports among the Forum is not the first time her name arose in the Rostra. Quite opposed to blind authority, she considers her patient's well-being has priority on established laws and very heavy bureaucracy. Hopefully, she can count on her "uncle" Archon Cyanaile and his wife, both sitting currently in the Forum.
Despite the rather tense relation she can have with figure of authority, she managed so far to a certain status quo; internal inquiries look elsewhere, while Forum's siege-member are assured them and their relative can count on one of the state's most seasoned medic. Plus, her contributions to AEGIS project and subsequent results make her truly a big one to take on... Especially with all the crunchy anecdotes about many she could unleash from her recordings
Despite the rather tense relation she can have with figure of authority, she managed so far to a certain status quo; internal inquiries look elsewhere, while Forum's siege-member are assured them and their relative can count on one of the state's most seasoned medic. Plus, her contributions to AEGIS project and subsequent results make her truly a big one to take on... Especially with all the crunchy anecdotes about many she could unleash from her recordings
Un-hook – A question of ethics
It is still very unlikely Byaphine will use her knowledge about a person to blackmail them. She's quite adamant on medical ethics, alongside the tenets of Menphina's worship preaching love and compassion.
As such, Byaphine will glare (at best) to any person showing little to no consideration to human life, ranging from murder hobbo to scientist of dubious principles -garlean or not-. Less marked but still frowned upon, the cheaters or marriage-breakers are other potential target to her barbs and ire.
[Living compendium of the shorty's closest contacts. Perhaps one day, you will find your character here...]
Plushies arts : Bunbundango
Runic Hearthunderblade, aka "Ruru"
This lomisian's rough look is only matched by his teasing and love for strong beverage. Yet, as a certain viera discovered at her own expense he carries heavy burdens hidden behind the mask. His loyalty to his friends and Maelstrom crew translated very well in love blooming in dire time... She's only slightly regretting how dense he can be, making him a true Archon's (l)oaf.
At long last they proposed to each other in the peak of the Love festival. Through high tides and calm sea, he vowed to make her happy. Their child to come is a right step in this direction!


[in game companion]
This assured and sarcastic loporrit ended up in Sharlayan alongside a delegation of his kind. He was the one entrusted with surgical procedures in Bestways Burrow, but soon turned to medical tool research due the dire lack of work. Keenly interested to Etheirys' children never ending stream of ideas, he decided to stay in a joint venture with sharlayan researchers. After the Cur[s]e, he decided to explore the Star on his own, but still plan to keep watchful eye on his colleague Byaphine... Even if he'll never admit it.
Operative and Responsive Intelligent Node : O.R.I.N.
O.R.I.N. still ongoing development was made possible by a joint venture between Sharlayan's magiteck researcher and their moon allies loporrits. Its creation from retro-engineered allagan nodes and the whole AEGIS project was unknown outside of the island until the incident with Archon O'myniad. Since, the breakthrough made by using white auracite as processing core propelled this A.I. of a new era in the research scene... Even if it's quite sassy personality doesn't facilitate its cooperation. As main developers, Byaphine and Mendingway kept an access to most of O.R.I.N.'s subroutines and hardware despite their undetermined unpaid leaves.

[in game companion]
Archon Urfel [Ur-Fael] Cyanaile

[background character]
(It's his DnD version, no other art available and artist name lost :x)
This Xalea of strange copper tan and fluffy tail emanate a calm and timeless aura. In fact, despite his rather young appearance, Byaphine refers to him as uncle since half a century now... This mystery is however eclipsed by his extensive knowledge on aetheromancy and magiteck. This and his diplomatic skills pushed him more than once to sit in the Forum. Yet, few years ago he married a fierce little Raen named Clephy. More accurately, /she/ married him. Feared for her temper and her fascination for firearms, the miss knows how to make him dance in her palm... And take care of a ever-growing family of little au'ras. Byaphine can always rely on them for help and advises in troubled time... And seeing so many lil' faces for sure gave her ideas.
Arsenal: tools to mend, tools to slap

Repurposed magiteck bit
/// Reckon module Mk.0.2.7. Garlean magitek bit chassis was found suitable in its specs. Data suggest its appearance does not trigger suspicion about this unit identity ///
EIR prototype
One of the first field-tested prototype from AEGIS subproject dedicated to improve sage's nouliths options.
This rather balanced module use garlean designed rotating magiteck guns and shield generator, each with their own aether crystal. It allows a third, massive one in the rear for massive propelling capacities, effectively making the first armament with flying capacity, albeit limited.

KARA prototype
Using a new type of catalyst carefully undisclosed, this next generation of nouliths are however very demanding in maintenance. The massive aether output isn't kind on the parts... But its flying capacity are unmatched by any other armament, as much as the destruction aether beams delivers.
RAND prototype
This armament prototype allows only minimal flying capacity, but powerful thrust to compensate an overall lack of mobility for its wielder. Of limited offensive and baseline somatic output, the bulky aether crystals are engraved for potent barrier magicks, effectively allowing the sage to be a bulwark against most threats.
Image credits: nega-SW

Crafted with the help of exiled garlean researchers and ishgardian machinists, those fearsome aether-bullets sub-machine guns display impressive fire-rate for equally demanding energy. While ongoing development now struggle to manage adequate magazine, a certain Archon crammed with aether found a very enticing pair of "pacification" tools.
SVIPUL prototype
Little is known, even less displayed on this armament still in development. Its refinement and design closer to usual nouliths is yet to be tested... But the team behind it promises a "breakthrough pushing further all previously developed nouliths"
Image credits: Ye-lim Chae

Might evolve a bit...
1 - Donna Lewis- I Love You Always Forever: The voice of a Lover's devotee. A song matching her tone, and an anthem for her heart beating again after so long.
2 - Hitoshi Sakimoto- FFTA2: crossing the hills: Frail kit in the woods. Her early years, from bullied shorty to respected shaman.
3 - Marika Takeuchi- First Light A blessed century. Every hardship were lighter, happiness brighter with Meruun by her side, wandering the Star.
4 - Luke Richards- Fateful News The unfathomable. Never she could imagine suffering this much one day. One day, it's all it took to take it all from her.
5- Evan Call - Farewell, my friend: Devastation. The sorrow of loosing both her soulmate and child to be was so intense she almost died of pain.
6- Chroma Music - (Bob Marley And The Wailers cover) - Redemption Song: Impossible atonement. The guilt about her miscarriage and her will to spare others her fate guided her renewed dedicated to healing arts. Guilt too for wearing mask...
7- Kim Carnes - Bette Davis Eyes: Teasing little sage. She can't help it, teasing became her second nature, all the more efficient with those captivating aquamarine eyes...
8- Various artists - D2-BL: Athanasia: Life and machines. Taking on the sage's mantle and delving into magiteck gave her further tools to save lives, and improve her own condition.
9- Mattia Cupelli - Above the Sky: The sky fairy. Thanks to her involvement in AEGIS project, Byaphine discovered a whole new world above, where she feels free from pain and sorrow...
10- Hiroyuki Sawano and Bajamin- TRACER: For Terra Firma. For too long she only could save by curing wounds. Now, with her advanced arsenal, she can prevent them to happen... And will eagerly do.
11- Crowded House- Recurring Dream (Remaster): Bright future. Alongside her new love, she can finally see promises in the future... And at long last lives for herself again.
12- Yuki Kajiura- here she comes(KOS-MOS): Electric mama. Now mother-to-be, her will to see any children grow healthy couldn't be stronger. Enough to cross a continent...
Pictures of the smolwaif

"If you touch my patients, I will /touch/ you, but not the way you'll like ! ... Stop laughing !!"

"Liking what you see? Well, you can watch but no touchy =:3"
Credits: @gamerjje (X)

"Miss Ethel could've make this plush taller but... At least it's accurately cute !"
Credits: Bunbundango
"After Meruun's passing, I firmly believed the rest of my time on this Star would never be blessed again by the Lover. But perhaps in Her grace she tried, countless times... And I was too hurt to see it. For the short time life will allow us to be together, I will be happy. If only he could stop being an oaf for a second and marry me for good!! >:c"

Credits: Scarchou
Stickers !

Out of character
About the roleplayer
Hi ! I am simply known around as The bnnuy, a very meh roleplayer and gamer trying to have fun ! I apology in advance if my writing is a bit wonky: I'm not a native speaker, but I'm trying my best to improve in English. I would nonetheless be happy to discuss with you in DMs if you're interested to get my characters into shenanigans =:]
I am also mostly always down to play FF14 content with people, or other coop games.
Communication is key in RP, so please, don't hesitate to reach me through DMs if you have a question, doubts or feel uneasy. Don't be afraid too of asking for something you wish to do or play, worst case scenario it can only be a no ! In my end, I will never try to force my characters' action on yours or your plot lines.Real life comes first, there can be moments when you or me are just not available or in the mood to RP. It happens ! The most important is to take care of yourself, first and foremost.I prefer long-term RP buddies than one session encounters, but you can't get the first without starting by the latest. So don't be shy !
RP information
Boundary and public
Here is the mandatory statement about boundary between RP and OOC. My characters's replies and positions don't necessary reflect mine. However, I can perfectly understand IRL and daily mood can percolate in RP interactions (after all playing a merry character after a shitty day is a feat). We are human. But limit shall be drawn as clear as possible.
My characters explores themes that can be quite dark and heavy. For my tranquility of mind, I prefer restricting my interactions with 21+ y.o. (or legal age in your country) My apologies.
RP preferences
Long-term, plot and story-driven RP
Adventure, exploration, mercenary work RP
Social RP, venue hopping
Standalone fights, conflicts
ERP if pertain from a relation
Mature, dark-themed RPs
Heavy flirt, standalone ERP
Gore, torture and other very dark RP
Forced character death
About lore-bending, lore-breaking
My characters are either lore compliant or light-lore bending, as I love to explore possibilities offered by caveats in lore. I try to stick to established information I am aware of. As such, I am more than ok with characters of same design.Lore-breaking characters are harder for me to interact with, due for the lack of references, familiar hooks to work with. I'll manage in certain case, for example playing with my characters' lack of knowledge (harder with Bya). If not, I will reach you up.THE Warrior or Light or canon character interpretation is my only hard limit. You can still engage with my characters, but they will quickly move away.
Type of writing
A lot of misspelling and mistakes. Will prefer medium to lenghty replies as a base, but I adapt to my RP buddies. Until you awake the rambling beast on discord.
Character goal
As an alt, Byaphine won't have the steady presence you can expect of a main character. Many of her actual RP revolves around her dearest ! Otherwise, she is easy to recruit for adventures with high risks, but won't delve into lore-breaking and otherworldly threats. Of course, she's also here for characters in need of medical attention, be it physical or psychological.
Contacts and availabilities
Discord: owly_bnnuy
I prefer contacts and RPs in game at first, but feel free to reach me on Discord if it's better for you!
Timezone EST (GMT -4)
Usual availabilities Currently every evening starting 8:00pm.
Homeworld Aether - Adamantoise
Crime code? Yes please. RM3SH3QEQC
Explore the bnnuyverse

Credits: Scarchou
Not convinced by the smol Archon? Maybe you'll prefer to interact with one of my other characters...

Main Ethel Ymir, talkative mute
Carrd here